Well-Known Member. Drifa has new content wherein she dresses up as your Wayfort’s new maid. She's about five-foot-ten, with huge EE-cup tits that are in a constantly-winning battle with her clothes. KoolGuy said: Anyone know how to hire the maids in wayfort, ive upgraded the place but cant figure out how to get the quest started. Viviane, the witch of the woods, has a new questline that ends with her recruitment. The answer to the word chest at the Light Palace is Fable. Transformative items are items that can transform the Champion or other characters when consumed. (previous page) ()0. Typo. Gold leaf writing flows like water across its surface and reads, (if Silly Mode: (resolve > 50: "Be a good sissy. Aug 29, 2022. Talk to Kasyrra about Redemption. New Since Last Public Update: Viv can be recruited, with a bunch of new scenes! Arona has several new romantically-oriented scenes. July 2023 (5) June 2023 (8) May 2023 (11) April 2023 (10) March 2023 (9) February 2023 (8) January 2023 (9) December 2022 (5) November 2022 (6)Dungeons are locations that are enterable in the world. (by Gardeford) New codex entry: Anubians ; New Busts: Quin’s new set combat bust (by Sulcate), Moira’s version of his regular set combat. 40. (requires a cock and results in +0. You're wearing royal leathers, taking full advantage of the freedom of movement provided by the light armor. The Champion can view and buy her wares, but she will decline idle chit-chat because she has a stall to run. 6. 47 Comments Bit of an eclectic collection today — some more Drifa, new summoned fuckfriends, and new powers to go around! 0. 25 Comments. Gif Just kidding, any new update is nice. It is the indirect sequel to the first game, bringing a new world, story and game mechanics to the table while still exploring similar themes. She wants an enchanted bathtub, a big strong bed, and some storage space. Might narrow down a time and place. CoC2 Bug Reports. Apr 24, 2018. Sett et merke rundt 1 m i hver side (= merke-m) = 59 (65) 71 (77) 83 (89) 95 mSadly, certain things like various quest lines don't have a lot of content. 18. Evelyn has a new scene for Champ’s with dicks of 4″ or smaller, and who have done the [Obey] option in her pitch anal scene. Corruption of Champions II(简称CoC2)是一款基于文本的冒险游戏,在游戏中,你要与入侵你家乡的变态恶魔作斗争,同时要与性感的怪物女孩 还有毛皮人、兽人、精灵、恶魔和其他各种可爱的人)谈恋爱,并将自己变成你理想的身体形式。. Uses. The innermost sanctum of the Temple of Terrestrial Fire is a broad, oval-shaped chamber that was likely once the same red brick as the outer halls, but has long since been scorched black by the abyssal flames contained within this place. The Convocation of Mirrors is an event that occurs if the Champion is able to get past Sigrune at the archway in the Old Forest and sleeping in the campsite hidden beyond. I get the feeling it has to do with Infoboxes not existing anymore. If you end up with a mix of things you are likely to be registered as a "chimera", if you gain a lot of parts that would fit with an elf you will be recognized as an elf. Written by The Observer. Hair: The hair of the Siorcanna can come in every color, often with diverse highlighting or gradients that naturally form as their hair gains length. Amina is a Mallachite who travelled from Jassiran with her brother Imad. Forum statistics. First step. 08 Patch Notes. Her eyes are a blend of pink and red that drinks in the light, just as emotive as her ears and tail which never seem to stay still. It has several exits, each leading to a different region: in the. Conclusion. Characters under this category can teach the Champion any form of Power, allow them to reset their attributes, or change their class. 375 points • 28 comments - Your daily dose of funny memes, reaction meme pictures, GIFs and videos. Talk to your local trickster deity to learn more. Monster Girl Island. Practically speaking this means she entices the crowd with. Flirt: Take a chance and see if Brienne really takes after her mother. Enslaved by orcish raiders, they made a dramatic escape at sea and swam several hours to find land. 46 Comments. #12. This has to do with the "racial score" your character has for specific races. To progress the quest further, the Champion must find and Interrogate Arona, who is located in the Foothills (the Champion must be at least level 3 to encounter the Orc Warband). Water is plentiful; however, it rarely. It only works on files. If Hip Rating < 15. 1. Light Palace and Shadows Over the Sun have been combined into a single quest. Corruption of Champions II GameplayLyric (Male or Female base) can be turned into a futa. At 100 femininity this means your base lip size is 4. Once you arrived at the Mistress's fortress, Berwyn opened the enchanted gate with a rune and led you inside. 535. So, the one after grabbing Nina's crate there's a chest and the answer is RIVER. She tries to redress, but the vesparan aphrodisiacs cause her penis to tear through her underwear. Description. New White Mage power from Bother Sanders at low-levels for spellblades. Drifa has some minor comments during Solveig’s quest. There's nothing to be lost from asking, at least. His slightly accented masculine jaw is beaten back by the. Northern Initiatives provided the owner/members with startup funds to purchase needed equipment, build out Drifa Brewing, their production facility and taproom, and provide working capital during the startup phase of their operations. WolframL said: Comparing the development of CoC1 to TiTS or CoC2 isn't particularly useful since the latter two games have a much more structured development process, particularly this game. She cares deeply for him but thinks that he spends too much time worrying about crime and corruption in Riften and not enough about himself. Soon after, the portal exploded. CoC2 Bug Reports. The Champion's appearance is widely. You will again have the opportunity to bail out the ungrateful fail-mercenary. text fixes to count. Savin Master Analmander. Kylo_Ren_more. I’ve spent most of my time delving into the back of the inventory code to clean up how we handled all the special. Drifa has a little sister who's like 9 years old that I'd like to write Champ + Drifa interacting with. Come on in, first drink's on me. 0. This quest will be obtained automatically after the Champion wakes up from the events of the tutorial Progress. Drifa serves up a variety of freshly brewed ales and lagers produced on a dual 2 bbl brewhouse. Actual. If Cup Size < D. Depending on the choices you make, this can cost between 6,625 EC - 14,440 EC . If you're a Marcher-Baron or Marcher-Baroness, you are privy to Elyon being returned to the palace after Bailiff Daliza and her soldiers captured him. Drifa also has busts now! (By Moira) There are a host of new achievements you can unlock! Changed files in this update. 15. She spends most of the day inside of the store with her husband. or perhaps rescue her after she. (by Tobs) Brint and Brienne got a gym expansion: you can work out with. Her "hobby" is getting pregnant, since her magic relies on her feeling good. Evelyn is easily in my top 5 of CoC2 characters, but I love Azzy too, and by all accounts, these updates are very good for the both of them. Online statistics. A pale top that does nothing to help restrain her tits has been thrown over her chest, and she's got a. " The first time you enter Ember's Taphouse, you see a busty cinderscale salamander using a mouthful of lager and her flame-tail to put on a show for her customers. Elena Art - I have been bitten by the "get art of your player character" bug! Here is where I put that. 5 Cum Multiplier, to a max of 10)Unique to the Incubus Cum and Succubus Milk TFs are corrupt thoughts that will occur on consumption of the TF is the Champion is Corrupted or Demonic. Middle: lapis, amethyst. 8:00 - 19:59. That one I am fine with, as it isn't fully finished. Named and known for their explosive growth, this little seed may have been the start and spark of a grand forest. 1 Pregnancy Interactions First Encounter [party. What I did: - Completed the mission given by Nakano to meet with Rindo and do the battle test against the dummies. CoC2 Save Editor v62 - GitHub PagesMad Cow triggers when Brint puts on the cursed armor found in the Harvest Valley. Apr 21, 2020. Is there any additional content if you let Drifa be taken? It reads as though I should be able to locate and rescue her. Weight: 150lb to 325lb. Corruption of Champions is an erotic text based and browser based flash game. Others may impose failure upon associated quests if the player retreats. This comes with all manner of new and updated interactions and sex scenes with Kohaku, and updated talks for the other den-denizens. Salina (W&B) Nov 21, 2022 @ 10:39am. Most importantly, some fixes for Lumia’s preg content, allowing the PC to properly do the deed. Effect. For me personally, I had to actually fight and defeat them once for Drifa to be added into the next encounter, as 7 instances of encountering the. It might be that you missed an "inquire". You are Rycon, a lupine thief and Champion of Frost. ( By Balak) Bunch of bugfixes. (by Jstar) The forest elfboi has a new sex scene: 69 & Fingering. Art Changelog CoC2 TiTS. #2. 5. Imora specialises in transformation, creating alchemical mixtures that help outsiders. Early on in the content Kiyoko talks about how she wants to raise Kinu to not be like the stereotypical kitsune, the elegant mischievous man eating beauty focused sluts that use their beauty and illusions to get what they want. It seems like things are broken again. For her shop options, see Under- and. Lady Evergreen is a hermaphrodite tanuki witch who dwells at the entrance to the Frostwood with her many daughters, both full and half-blooded. After doing GweyrQuest 3 and Calise’s first quest, Sanders will give you a breadcrumb leading to. and now that we hear rumors about the dragons, he's been very depressed. All your attributes are (basically; ignore the slight bonuses at chargen): 1 x Level. Unlike many of the others who have fled to the safety of Khor'minos during the siege, she and her fellow villagers are used to seeking shelter behind the walls due to orcish raids. She's committed to her athletics, though her mother worries she's not planning for her future and needs to find a husband. 28. 273. 3 BOLEN Legg opp 120 (132) 144 (156) 168 (180) 192 m med farge 1 på rundp nr 6. The Champion's appearance can be seen in the Journal section, where it will list in detail the various bits and parts the Champion has. and 6 ft. Changelog TiTS update. (by SomeKindofWizard) After finishing the Temple of Challenge, you can freely explore Starhome and interact (sexually) with several of its residents. Upon defeating Mistress Mathia but refusing to allow Berywn to join the Champion's cause. Threads 30,423 Messages 405,503 Members 43,277 Latest member swaglord. kane Sep 26, 2022 @ 7:25am. Drifa has a small new expansion. dope Guest. " |else: "Snap me. Drifa has new content wherein she dresses up as your Wayfort’s new maid. A long time ago she used to enjoy travelling, and she's gone to places like Jassira and Bel. A core mechanic of powers, introduced in version 0. Then add +2 for every level point you put in them. And all throughout the content as I keep checking up on both of them mentally it was working. Also her obsessive nature even on hostile route still shines through. A pink leather collar that fits snugly around most necks. CoC2 is a game about customization, letting you play whatever kind of character you want: whether you're a busty bimbo bandit or a chiseled lupine barbarian; a hermaphroditic cowgirl sorceress specialized in milk-magic, or a burly orc warpriest who intimidates his companions back into the fight. Also buffed Cleaving Strikes and Enchanting Acts to 40% from 20%. Codex. 0. She has a particular fetish for pregnancy, both inflicting and receiving, and is more than happy to put her canine cock to good use in breeding a willing player. However, as it's set up, it can proc as soon as you've met the Corrupted Lupines at least once. Naiyana was the Chieftain of the Marefolk Village before she was abducted during a centaur raid and the title was placed onto her daughter, Atani. The Champion's appearance can be seen in the Journal section, where it will list in detail the various bits and parts the Champion has. New Since Last Public Patch: Kohaku can now be knocked up. runingman69 Well-Known Member. Latest posts. 3 Drifa 2 Combat 2. Showing 1 - 2 of 2 comments. Gift of Phallius 2: The Key to Eternity. Thanks for the hard work. After exploring her tower, you did battle with Mistress Matiha alongside Berwyn. CoC2 contains many weird and exotic fetishes, including but not limited to: sexually invasive tentacles, overly-amorous monstergirls, furry futa femdom, uncontrollable breeding urges, and. As per Jstar, the Drifa encounter is not meant to proc until after you've completed Winter City. 0. 221. Once you step into the clearing, Zo’s ears perk, and the bulbous, braided ends of her hair quiver on their own. A bundle of vibrantly-colored leaves that bustle and flow from a bright red seed. This is so rare that you come across games like Corruption of Champions because erotic games are actually hard to discover. #1. Solveig conv: Grettel definitely mentioned a black and white wolf boy that the thane kept all to herself, the smart one who sprung the trap on them in the first place. New busts for a recruited Viv (by Moira) Balak’s asked that I pass on: Four years ago, you guys got. The individual buttons on the left sidebar are gone. Your cloak of winter flows behind. Height: Ranges from 5'8" to 8 foot even. Given her noble blood and military experience, Etheryn and Elthara decided she would be a good choice to serve as your Bailiff and manage the lands they're. Delicate as they appear, their bushes are quite hardy, and many an insouciant adventurer has paid a bloody price for trying to brave a way through the icy thorns. Bought from Leorah and acquired from a few humanoid enemies as loot. Works with PUBLIC RELEASES ONLY. (by SomeKindofWizard). 3. For additional information, I recommend taking a look at the design. October 29, 2022 Gedan. SPOILERS BELOW! So I THINK I found the trigger in order to get Mai to end up pregnant. Frost Marcher. These require 33+ libido and are accessible in populated areas, excluding the Frosthound itself, your Camp, and the Wayfort. Height: Ranges from between 5 ft. First set of choices : Inquire, question, protest. Strikk 7 cm vrangbord rundt med 2 r, 2 vr. So (again ignoring the level 1 bonuses) at. Here is an online version for easier. The game suggests: That doesn't leave you many options, you know of Viviane, Evergreen, and perhaps Miko and Mai. Thus, they have sent the player through a portal to an unknown dimension. She turns, and as soon as she sees you, she smiles and waves, welcoming you into her clearing. "She was always the little sister I kept out of trouble. There, they will find themselves meeting two salamanders, Prince Philander and his sister Princess Phyria who inform them of the event unfolding while apparently unaware of. Aug 26, 2015. There are some new features that make it much more versatile, requiring much fewer hard-coded text variations if they are taken advantage of. Yall] stand in the center of a clearing when something ominous catches. A. No matter what you choose to transform yourself.